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My Fitness Journey

Ciao lovelies. I'm back after another long absence, two months this time and I can offer no apologies or explanations. It feels as though it were yesterday that I wrote my last post but alas, it's been two months. Time is moving way too fast for me. It's scary. There have been so many changes in my life during this time, something I'm not going to go into right now. Instead, I want to talk to you a bit about my fitness journey over the past few months.  Disclaimer: I am not a personal trainer or fitness guru or whatever, I'm just your average gym goer and want to share my experiences with you. If you want professional fitness advice then this is not the blog for you - consult a personal trainer. Finding a Routine It's very important to find a routine when you're committing to going to the gym otherwise it's easy to sack it off and watch Netflix in bed. Before my holiday in Turkey, I went to the gym three or four times a week after work. I ha...

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